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Рерих Е.И. Письмо от 13.05.1931

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Листая летопись строительства

Автор: Письма в СибРО, коллективные обращения  

Теги статьи:  Наталия Спирина (отзывы и обращения), отзывы, Строительство Музея, Работа строящегося Музея в Новосибирске


Roerich House in Siberia acquired visible form. Just as birds construct their nests, many people brought here twigs of their souls and created a wonderful focus of the beauty. Let everyone flourish on this way!

L.O. Kolesnikov, Poltava, Ukraine, 2001.

It’s great joy to enter this building, to feel breath of the New Epoch in the history of Roerich movement in Russia. BEAUTY, GOOD AND TRUTH are growing with each grain of effort.

I wish all the builders much joy and long years. Success is immutable!

Carol Bruce, Great Britain, 2001

Great thanks for the journey to the beautiful world of the Roerichs. It was a great discovery for us not just to see the wonderful paintings but to feel eternity of all ways of culture and spirituality in the beautiful surroundings created by the Roerich Society.

Pirkko Ikonen, Finland, 2001

We are proud having such friends who with love and fiery aspiration overcoming all the barriers have built The Nicholas Roerich Museum on the great Siberian land. This Museum is not just a house in which Nicholas Roerich’s spirit will reside, but the magnet which will attract many people. Let the powerful magnet of shining Beauty of Roerichs’ works help everyone to discover in the depth of one’s soul true living Love and real Beauty, Beauty inspiring and Love victorious!

Head of the Lithuanian Nicholas Roerich Society I. Zaleckene, Head of Klaipeda branch N. Dargite, Society’s members I. Shleiniute, R. Auskialys, 2001

Dear Friends! I was happy to visit your city and your beautiful Museum. By your love to the Roerichs, by your hearts you are creating the magnet which will guide many to the Path of Beauty.

Wish you and the Museum further thrift for the good of our Motherland and all people on Earth. Thanks to Natalia Dmitriyevna Spirina for her great effort in spreading and popularizing the Teaching of Living Ethics.

T.I. Murashkina, Moscow, 2001

It was ineffable joy to feel deep in my heart the golden threads of love and kindness woven by Nicholas and Helena Roerich; sent by them to all parts of Earth in words and colors, these threads after so many years echoed in your hearts, and now wove into a bright tracery of sincere joy of meeting. Much thanks to all the builders of the Museum for the warmth a part of which I’ll bring with myself to our friends in Israel.

Natalya Ermulnik, Israel, 2001

I revere love and zeal of all those who took part in the construction of this Museum of Spirit. I wish light to your souls! I hope very much that the sparkles of knowledge lit here will be spread by the true disciples throughout the world. I want that all people on Earth realize significance of this great Teaching.

I was very happy to get acquainted with this Museum and its volunteers and will try to transmit through depth of my heart to our compatriots in Germany this flame of love and wisdom ignited by Nicholas and Helena Roerich. Kowtow to all of you!

Olga Nilmaier, Germany, 2002

It was great pleasure and big honor for us to visit the Nicholas Roerich Museum in Novosibirsk. We admire the devotion you showed to Roerich’s memory. For us the name of Roerich has eternal significance as a symbol of unity of civilization and the highest value of our present world. We wish your further success in your work and all the best. Thank you for warm welcome.

Krishnan Raghunath, Ambassador of India in Russia, Moscow – Novosibirsk, 2004.

Гость Музея — Полномочный и Чрезвычайный Посол Индии

Our guest — the Ambassador Extraordinary of India

We were deeply impressed by our visit to the Nicholas Roerich Museum in Novosibirsk. We are happy that spirit and philosophy of Nicholas Roerich let us to add one more dimension of humanism to our ancient still dynamic relationships. We wish the Museum great success and hope that when completed it will become an important part of Indian culture, philosophy and art in Russia.

Ashok Kumar Mukerjee, deputy chief of the Mission in Russia, Temporary Plenipotentiary in Indian Affairs in Russia

With great pleasure and joy we acquainted with the Nicholas Roerich Museum, first of the kind in Asia. How much Light and creative energy you have here! We believe that your good deeds and aspirations for the world’s good will find their sequel and followers. Asiatic Russia still have to display to the world its grandeur and protection, and your labor in common cause will be conspicuous and exemplary phenomenon for those who will follow you.

With great gratitude and belief V.G. Valiulin, observer of the ‘Kuznetzky Rabochiy newspaper.

Inquisitive visitors

Immeasurable and limitless joy should feel everyone who had a chance to visit this Temple of Spirit and Spirituality of the Roerichs. Everything here, when toughed by thought and heart, appeals to lend an attentive ear to the voice of one’s own conscience and dignity: do you really follow the right path going to the Temple of your own soul? A visit to Roerich Museum gives joy from communication with the beautiful, and along with it a great school of spirituality which in all times helped people to rise from knees and reach the way of life deserving of Man! I very sincerely want to wish you that the mighty of this world would support this endeavor. Thank you! Thanks to everybody who was involved in it.

Honored worker of art of Russia
Honored worker of Russian Musical Society,
Professor of the Ural Conservatoire
N.A. Volper. Yekaterinburg, 2004

I’m so happy about today’s meeting in the Museum.

Please accept the words of appreciation for your labor and your deeds! How wonderful is the way you decorate the Museum and reinforce Culture!

Let all the co-workers be healthy, wish you further success. All the best to you. Still hope for cooperation with you and team-work in Verhniy Uymon.

O.P. Simirenko, head of Department of Culture
of the Ust-Koksa District Administration,
the Republic of Altai

Гость Музея — лётчик-космонавт, Герой Советского Союза А.Н.Баландин

Our guest — a pilot-cosmonaut, a Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Balandin

It was pleasant to learn that philosophy of Roerich is the most life-asserting in the present scenario of preserving piece in the whole world. I’d like to hope that humanity will realize this reality.

Suryanarayana, Hyderabad, India, 2005

Thanks to all people who by thought and deed creates step by step this marvelous Roerich house! Amidst surrounding vanity here is a place where you can forget it all, where Harmony and Piece prevail. All the best to you all. Meet you again.

Yekaterina and Natalya Mankov, Novosibirsk –Versoix, Switzerland, 2004

Гости Музея — В.Е.Кончев, министр культуры Республики Алтай, и ансамбль мальчиков Алтай

Our guests — V. Konchev, the Minister of Culture of the Altay Republic and the boy band ‘Altay’

Just visited this wonderful Roerich Museum. Long since have we experienced such a feeling of communion with the beautiful. Knowing little about Roerich’s creative work here we realized that we knew nothing. And today thanks to the wonderful exhibition not only we got acquainted with his art, not only felt in touch with the Beautiful, but desire appeared to learn more about eminent artists, to tell our friends and kinship about this Museum. Thank you that in this anxious, confused time there are people who create these oases of culture. Thank you for the beauty.

G.V. Agarkova, G.V. Pavlova, 2005

Amid the city’s fuss and din I got into the world of harmony and subtle solemnity. My heart’s feelings are high. And joyous is thought that Siberians remember, revere and continue the Roerichs’ cause — to bring light and culture.

Helena Ilyina, children’s writer, 2007

Before now we didn’t know much about the creative work of Roerich, but when one visits your wonderful Museum such interest inevitably appears. This is great! Thank you very much for the warmth that you give to people! Thank you for the impressions which the visit to your Museum left in our hearts. We really spiritually refreshed ourselves.

Sincerely yours, students of the Novosibirsk State Technical University


I’m sure that this house will be another one adornment of Novosibirsk, its honor! It’s impossible to talk about the exposition, we don’t have such words in our vocabulary. We are stunned! With great respect and gratitude —

Z.A. and E.A. Troshkov

There’s no such a marvelous and uniquely beautiful museum in the world. Here everything is breathing with love: starting from Nicholas Roerich and N.D. Spirina’s photographs, reproductions of the paintings by Nicholas and Svetoslav Roerich, made with such a good quality that one can’t distinguish them from the originals; to the wonderful flowers near the Museum — nowhere else can one find flowers like these. And of course the hearts of the friends. This is already an archetype of the future Community of which N.D. Spirina dreamt and which she has been creating.

Dear and beloved co-workers of the Museum! You with dignity realize in life all the covenants of Natalia Dmitriyevna and our Teachers. The Museum grows with seven-league strides, one can especially feel it on the spiritual plane. And growth of spirit results in growth of all affairs. We are happy to see everything with our own eyes, felt your love, care, touched the infinite Beauty.

V. Svetlova and G. Chernikov, Yekaterinburg, 2007

While visiting you Museum I felt proud for Russian people. Because among our people there are also geniuses. We liked very much the photographs, exhibits. In your Museum everything is made with heart.

From the very first moment, when you just see the building, you lose gift of speech, so much is it beautiful. The film is very interesting! Photographs are collected very well. I believe that our lycйe will regularly visit your Museum. Thank you that you paid to us attention today!

Students of the Kondratyuk aerospace Lyceum, Novosibirsk

The Museum’s blooming yard

Amazing Museum! After visiting such places one turns to the question about the meaning, the quality of one’s life. Each moment of life, this priceless gift, becomes valuable.

S.P. Litvinova, St.Petersburg

Thank you so much for the wonderful exhibition. It lets feel beauty not only of art, but also of human thought. You become higher and more spiritual yourself, your attitude to the world and all its essence is being changed.

Chita, Angarsk, Irkutsk district, 2007

We have seen the Museum and are astonished by it! We, Siberians form the Moscow Area, are very glad that Novosibirsk enriched itself with such a remarkable Roerich Museum.

We are very grateful to the guide Ludmila Viktorovna for her impressive talk about the artist, his art, his family and co-workers, whose labor and selfless devotion allowed such a museum to appear.

N. Ryzhenko, G. Ryzhenko, researcher of the Museum of History of department of law of the Lomonosov Moscow State University

Your Museum is uncommon, here is present invisible spirit of the extraordinary Roerichs family; we believe that this place will become a point of origin for rebirth of spirituality and purity of thoughts; hope that in the schools studying Nicholas Roerich’s philosophy will be established as an obligatory and useful discipline. With great appreciation, late citizens of Novosibirsk and now the tourists from Great Britain. We have to preserve our small and beautiful planet Earth.

I. Kovalyova, V. Blokhin, P. Blokhina, 2007

I didn’t know that in Novosibirsk there is such a wonderful Nicholas Roerich Museum.

This is a city’s honor!

Mr. Tanaka, Professor of ethnography, Japan, 2007

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