Мы против каждого насилия. Мы не устремляем энергию без согласия сотрудника. Иерархия, 410 |
Nicholas Roerich Museum in Novosibirsk. Foyer
N.K. Roerich
Let us inscribe on the Shields of Cultural Educational Institutions the covenants, ancient yet forever alive, because in them must be affirmed the unity of all creative forces leading to advancement. Let us say: Art unifies humanity. Art is one and indivisible. Art has many branches but its root is unique. Art is the banner of the coming synthesis. Art is for all. Each one senses the truth of beauty. To all must be opened the gates of the ‘sacred source.’ The light of art illuminates countless hearts with new love. At first this feeling comes unconsciously, but later it purifies the whole human consciousness. And how many youthful hearts are seeking something true and beautiful. Then give this to them. Give art to the people where it belongs. Not only must museums be adorned, and theatres, schools, libraries, station buildings, and hospitals, but prisons also should be beautiful. Then it will no longer be a prison.
There have been forthcoming before humanity events of cosmic magnitude. Mankind has already understood that what is taking place is not accidental. The time has drawn near for creation of culture of the spirit. Before our eyes has occurred a reappraisal of values. Amid heaps of depreciated currencies, humanity has discovered a treasure of world significance. The values of great art pass triumphantly through all the storms of earthly perturbations. Even ‘earthly’ people have understood the effective significance of beauty. And when we affirm Love, Beauty, and Action, we know that we are pronouncing the formula of an international language. This formula which now belongs to the museum and the stage must enter into everyday life. The sign of beauty opens all the ‘sacred gates.’ Under the sign of beauty we go forward joyfully. By beauty we conquer. By beauty we pray. By beauty we are unified. And now let us pronounce these words not on the snowy summits but in the bustle of the city. And, sensing the path of truth, we meet the future with a smile.
...Many primary concepts have become obscured in usage. People utter the word ‘Museum’, and remain far from the thought that Museum is the Museion, in Greek the House of the Muses. The dwelling of the Muses is manifested first of all as a symbol of Unification. In the classical world the concept of the Muses was not at all something abstract, on the contrary, in it was affirmed the living fundamentals of creativeness everywhere — on the earth, in our dense world. Thus long ago, from the most remote ages have been affirmed the bases of unity...
Thus, thinking about construction, we equip ourselves with an unbreakable spirit. We write upon the Shield words which we shall never disavow.
Thinking of Culture is the Gates to the future.
*Fragments of the article «Gates into the Future».