Делите все на четыре части: первая – Высшему, вторая – Общему Благу, третья – ближнему и четвертая – себе. Но придет час, когда останутся только три части, ибо четвертая будет поглощена второй. …Никто, кроме сердца, не укажет границу этих частей. Мир Огненный, ч.2, 457 |
PSYCHIC ENERGY. Accumulation and disspation. Compiled by Natalia Spirina. The compilation is based on the books of the Agni Yoga Series and Letters of Helena Roerich. It represents the ideas on the ways Psychic Energy is wasted and accumulated. |
Nicholas Roerich. «BEQUEATHED TO SIBERIA». An illustrated catalogue of Nicholas Roerich paintings collected in Novosibirsk, which were donated to Siberia in accordance with the artist’s testament. |
«ALTAI — STAGES OF THE DAYS TO COME». A set of postcards representing views of the Altai Mountains. |
The Publishing House of Siberian Roerich Society ROSSASIA issues a monthly magazine «Voskhod» devoted to the studies of the creative heritage of the Roerich Family.
Through our «Book by Post» department one can subscribe to the magazine, receive the catalogue of the books published by SibRO and order the books of the Publishing House.
Our mail address: box 126, 630007 Novosibirsk, Russia; tel/fax: +7-383-218-09-50